
The Hard Old Time

I feel obligated to share this story with y'all. My husband, who I think should be the next James Joyce(or Ron Jeremy), said this:

"These kids today - they don't know!!! When I was young, I had to walk a mile in the snow (up-hill, both ways) to buy porn. Sometimes I was successful, sometimes the shopowner refused me. Porn was not delivered free to your house via the internet.

Those were hardtimes my generation grew up in!"

God am I lucky.

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2010-11-30


飛鼠 (flying squirrl) 褲第二篇:


ME: Do you like my new style?
ㄤ: I still can't see the charm in it...
Me: But I must look cute in it. You smiled everytime you saw me wearing it.

ㄤ: (still smiling) I smiled 'cause I was trying not to laugh.
ME: .....




那天在家看美國影集 Weeds, 片中有一名單身媽媽和鄰居青少年相吸引,在美麗單身媽媽開的cheese店打得火熱~ 我不禁有感而發:

Me: "I wonder how it's like now kissing a 18-year-old."
ㄤ: "It's like a half of me".
Me: ......

果然是有 "無論如何也不能輸給年輕人" 的中年男子氣概啊!!


一早起床~ ㄤ一臉擔心的問我:

: Do you remember your dream last night?
Me: No. Did I dream?
ㄤ: You were sleeping talking, in English.
Me: Why am I sleep talking in English? That doesn't make sense.

ㄤ: It was impressive though.
...Me: I said "Impressive" in my sleep?

ㄤ: No, you said a word that was very impressive.
Me: What did I say?

ㄤ: You said...."supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus"

Me: .................are you sure it's not you dreaming?

查查網路真的有這個字! 我真的強烈懷疑作夢的是他....



Halloween還沒到~ 我就被路邊攤的素食阿姨們當作29台明星追著要簽名!!!...還硬說我沒化妝的臉是自然美最好!~~ (我阿爸阿母樂的當猩爸猩媽...)

ME: They think I am some sorta soap opera actress. (得意)
ㄤ: Ya? Ask how they think your acting technique is. (偷笑)
ME: They said I acted very well and nature. (驕傲)

...ㄤ: Oh, I recognise the acting style! Tell them I believed you when you seemed to be coming too.

Me: 你.....

討厭~ 人家可是來真的 (literally...)


早知道舊簽連方瑜... 要裝就裝到底...

飛鼠褲 Flying Rat?


Me: "好看ㄇ?"
ㄤ: (把眼睛從電腦螢幕拉過來掃了我ㄧ眼) "oh, I have a gay student has exact same pants."

Me: (很好~ gay會穿的話就一定不會錯) "這叫做 ---(驕傲狀) 飛鼠褲!!"...

ㄤ: "Flying tree?? "
Me: "no...是 "Flying rat""
ㄤ: (?頭歪歪) "Bat?"
Me: (不禁想到老鼠跟同伴說他女朋友是空姐的笑話) "no no... not bats.."

把褲管的飛鼠翅膀拉起來給他看..."An animal has arms like this..."

ㄤ: "Or...do you mean... "flying squirrel?""

Me: (眼睛亮) "Yes yes, flying squirrel!"
ㄤ: (無法苟同狀) "Squirrels are much cuter than rats"
Me: 所以我的新褲子很可愛囉~

ㄤ: (轉頭繼續看電腦螢幕...只想趕快結束這場沒有營養的對話)...

總而言之~ 那天去參加一年一度的藍調音樂節~ 有被 "建議" 也許飛鼠褲不是最藍調的妝扮 :D

PS: Blues Bash 每年都會在汐止的夢想社區舉行,是個直得推薦的好活動。活動包括下午的室外音樂會與晚上的室內音樂會。晚上的活動大部分是由國外飛來的音樂團體演出。非常值得跑到汐止去看看~ 那天不知道為什麼,明明沒有站起來買酒喝,卻一直有酒來....