
Ruffino Aziano Chianti Classico DOCG 2004

法定產區:經典奇揚地 (Chianti Classico) DOCG
釀酒廠:Ruffino Aziano
種類:紅酒 (Sangiovese 山吉歐)
價格及出處:NT 750 (法蘭絲酒坊零售價)
Country: Italy
Region: Tuscany
Appellation: Chianti Classico DOCG
Winery: Ruffino Aziano
Vintage: 2004
Wine Style: Red (Sangiovese)
Price and Point of Purchase: 750NT suggested retail from St. Finesse.
Date of Tasting: Feb. 14, 2008

Ruffino Aziano Chianti Classico DOCG 是Zano地產上唯一的Chainti Classico 酒廠。Chianti Classico是在Chianti 酒區中的8個副酒區之一生產的。但這並不保證這副酒區所生產的酒一定符合Chianti Classico等級,釀酒者還必須符合嚴苛的製造標準才能讓所生產的酒成為Chianti Classico。
The Ruffino Aziano Chianti Classico DOCG is a single vineyard Chianti Classico from the Zano estate. Classico is a wine produced in one of Chianti’s eight sub-regions. Geographic location alone does not insure inclusion in the Chianti Classico appellation, the producer must also adhere to strict production standards.

Darren 的品酒日記 / Darren's Tasting Notes-

Color: A deep red, the color of blood rubies.

Nose: Solid woody and smoky notes at the forefront, giving way to tart black cherry aromas.

口感:豐滿的酒,結合了滑順整合的單寧,有著淡淡的深苺酸 (黑苺或是沙士卡苺)口感。喝完之後有著跟喝完烏龍茶之後相似的口感。
Taste: A well-rounded wine with smoothly integrated tannins. Has the taste of slightly tart dark berries (blackberry or Saskatoon Berry) on the palate. The finish has the quality of Oolong tea.

飲用建議:現在至往後四年為適飲期。適合醒酒30-40分鐘後享用。稍微冰涼後使用較佳 (12-15C)。
Serving Suggestions: Drinkable now and for the next four years. Decant for 30-40 minutes. Serve slightly chilled (12C-15C).

Food Matches: smoked salmon, red meats, vegetable tempura, Italian food, hard cheeses, etc.

Drinkability: We didn't make it through the whole bottle. After it had aired around four hours, the wine soured and was unpalatable. The wine is very drinkable, just make sure to drink it reasonably quickly.

評定等級:15 (Good)。
Rating: 15 (Good).

Venus 的品酒日記 / Venus's Tasting Notes-

Color: Dark red, the color of black mulberry fruit.

氣味:煙燻橡木的味道 (因為常會到加拿大的林地、鋸木場、或保存原木的集散地參觀,木頭的不同樣貌對我來說還不算太陌生)。不知道是不是因為顏色的關係,總覺得聞到淡但桑椹葉的味道。
Nose: Smoky oak. (I often go to the Canadian woods, logging yards, sawmills, etc. I'm familiar with the smells associated with each possible condition of wood - wet, dry, barked, debarked, treated, green, sawdust, different species, etc...). I don't know if it's because of the color, but I also feel that I smell mulberry leaves.

- 有樹的味道!樹皮、樹葉、甚至是森林裡的味道!
- 酸酸的口感也像是有著橘子皮的的味道!喝完之後口中留著淡淡的木頭味,還有一點橘子皮和樹葉的綜合香味殘留 (Darren覺得是烏龍茶,我覺得比較像是桔茶的味道。)
- Trees! I taste trees - not just wood, but also bark, leave, and even the forest!
- Unlike the summery cedar smell I got from the last white wine we tasted, this wine has thick, heavy, leafy scents of a deep mountain forest, with moldy rocks all around (maybe near a creek). The smell is like Alishan Mountain in autumn!
- The wine’s acidity resembles the skin of a mandarin orange. The finish is light and woody with an undertone of mandarin orange skins and leaves. (Darren thinks there is an oolong tea quality on the finish, but I feel it is more like orange tea).

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-02-24


2004 Pouilly-Fuissé

法定產區:Pouilly-Fuissé AOC
種類:白酒 (Chardonnay)
價格及出處:NT499, 購於中和好市多
Country: France
Region: Burgundy
Appellation: Pouilly-Fuissé AOC
Producer: Collin-Bourisset
Vintage: 2004
Wine Style: White (Chardonnay)
Price and Point of Purchase: 499nt at the Chung Ho CostCo
Date of Tasting: Feb. 13, 2008

Pouilly-Fuissé 博根地的一個白酒產區,位於Mâcon市的西邊。那一區的泥土是屬於鹼性土壤,正適合Chardonnay葡萄生長。
Pouilly-Fuissé is the wine region, in Burgundy, west of Mâcon. The soil is alkaline clay that well-suits the Chardonnay grapes grown there.

Collin-Bourisset 酒莊位處於Saône 河旁Mâconnais酒區與Beaujolais酒區之間的Crêches村。Collin-Bourisset以傳統的製造方法,以極少量的橡木釀造平價的酒聞名。
The Collin-Bourisset winery is located in the village of Crêches along the Saône river, between the Mâconnais and Beaujolais wine regions. Collin-Bourisset is known for producing traditional regional wines, with little or no oak, at reasonable prices.

Darren 的品酒日記 / Darren's Tasting Notes-

Color: The amber color of a weak green tea.

氣味:有一種柔和的青蘋果味,再加上一點青青草原的基調 – 雖然不是很典型的Chardonnay, 卻是一款挺愜意的白酒。
Nose: Subdued aromas of Granny Smith apples, with slight grassy undertones - though not typical of Chardonnay, rather pleasant.

口感:相當多采多姿,各方面卻相當平衡的乾口 (dry) 白酒。口感兼具滑順與濃稠,把酒中的水果香給帶出來了。初期的口感中的酸蘋果的味道,帶出之後的一抹香瓜的甜味,接著是一股潛藏的礦物口感。喝完之後的口感是一陣優雅清香的淡淡西洋杉口味。
Taste: A well-rounded and balanced dry white. It has a smooth and creamy texture on the palate that opens up to reveal a complex fruity wine. Has tart apples forward on the palate developing some hints of honeydew melon, with a bit of minerality hidden in the mix. The finish is long and clean with a mild cedar flavor.

Serving Suggestions: The 2004 vintage in the Mâconnais region is very good and the wines are ready to drink now. Allow the wine to air if you want to reduce some of the tartness of the fruit flavors.

配餐建議:與肉質鮮美的海鮮料理搭配例如龍蝦、蝦、干貝、旗魚或鮪魚等。(我們在墾丁的凱撒飯店叫了素食比薩room service,結果跟這瓶白酒不太搭配!我想應該是因為比薩上面的蘆筍澀澀的口感惹的禍。)
Food Matches: A nice match with rich seafood – lobster, shrimp, scallops, swordfish, ahi tuna etc. (We tried it with room service vegetarian pizza at Caesar Park Hotel in Kenting – not a match! I think the astringent quality of the asparagus in the pizza was the culprit).

Drinkability: The entire bottle went down really smooth and left me looking for more.

評定等級:15 (Good)。以一瓶499元的價格有這樣生動的品質,我想我會再去多買幾瓶。
Rating: 15 (Good). At 499nt each, I will be buying a few more bottles of this lively little white.

Venus 的品酒日記 / Venus's Tasting Notes-

色澤:薑汁汽水,只沖泡一次的綠茶包,淡淡的 (前天晚上喝很多水的尿液顏色:-))
Color: Ginger-ale, green tea after the teabag has only soaked in it once, or (watery pee)

Smell: When I first smelt the wine, I thought I only smelt the glass, something very light that I couldn't really identify – oak probably? After smelling again, instead of smelling the temperate fruits people describe in white wine, I smelt tropical fruits like Mangosteen, dragon fruit, or Buddha head – fruits that usually don't carry too much flavor.

- 偷嘗一小口的時候覺得有點金屬的味道
- 真正喝的時候在口中有一種飽實的水果香 (就不像山竺等那種不帶濃郁味道的水果,而是熟成的、果實味濃厚的、裝在籃子裡等在上架的水果)
- 在舌中轉兩圈之後,感覺像含了一口水果口味的跳跳糖在嘴裡的感覺,在嘴裡噗滋噗滋的口感感覺回到小時候在教室裡跟同學分享一包跳跳糖的時光。)
- 再喝一口之後金屬味就不見了,取而代之的是一種淡淡的酸味,有一點蘋果皮的味道
- 喝完之後有一點點杉木的味道
- There was a little metal taste in my first secret sip.
- When I really drank the wine, I could taste ripe fruit (not a tropical fruit taste, it's more like mature, strong-flavored, already in the basket ready to sell fruit).
- After swirling my tongue through the mouthful of wine, it felt like I had pop-rocks in my mouth. The popping sensation took me back to the times I spent sharing a bag of pop-rocks with my classmates (actually I shared theirs - given the fact that I am cheap).
- On the second sip there was no metallic taste. Instead I tasted a hint of acidity – like the taste of apple skins.
- The finish contains a bit of cedar.

整瓶酒的感覺像是跟同學去郊遊,邊走邊分著吃跳跳糖,中間休息午餐之後咬著媽媽放進背包的一整顆蘋果 – 因為連著皮一起吃所以有一種澀澀的蘋果皮味道和著甜甜酸酸的蘋果味,然後走進了一片杉木森林。
The whole bottle gave me the impression of going on a school trip and sharing pop-rocks with my friends while walking on the road. During the lunch break, biting into a whole apple my mom put in my backpack – since it was unpeeled, my mouth puckered with the sweet and sour apple taste – and then we continued on our trip into a cedar forest.

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-02-23


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For us, wine is all about camaraderie, fun, friendship and romance – we are committed to a light and boozy lifestyle. We may well see the world through Chardonnay goggles, but that doesn't mean we don't take our wine reviews seriously.

The Dedicated Wino's guarantee to our readers:

i). We are not in anyway involved in wine retailing, wholesaling or importing and distribution. Beyond being dedicated wine purchasers and running this weblog, we have no connections to the wine industry.

ii). All wines that are reviewed have either been purchased by Venus or myself (Darren). Any wine that we receive as a gift – from friends or family, with no affiliation to the wine industry – may likewise be reviewed, but the source of the wine will be clearly stated in the review. (We receive many gifts of wine and it would be a shame not to share the joy with our readers).

iii). Any person or company wishing to have a bottle of their wine reviewed may submit a bottle to us. The editorial decision whether to include the review on the weblog wholly rests with us, The Dedicated Wino cannot guarantee that the review will be included on our weblog. However, if the review is not published on the website, we will return our private review to the supplier. If the wine is included in one of our online reviews, the source of the wine will be clearly stated, to keep our readers informed of any possible bias. Of course, editorial control of wine review content is entirely up to The Dedicated Wino.

iv). Likewise, any commercial wine tastings that we attend and review will have been paid for by ourselves, unless explicitly otherwise stated in the text.

v). If you would like us to cover your wine related event, we would be happy to accept, time constraints permitting. Press passes will be cheerfully accepted.

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-02-13