
來自「酒鬼瘋‧網誌」的保證 - The Dedicated Wino's Guarantee



i). 我們非以任何形式從事葡萄酒零售、經銷,或進口。除了瘋狂買酒與經營網誌之外,我們沒有與葡萄酒業有任何關聯。

ii). 所有我們評論的葡萄酒都是由網誌主人 (Venus and Darren) 親自購買。親朋好友所贈送的酒,也有可能在網誌中介紹並陳述來源,同樣的,也與葡萄酒產業無關。(獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,身為瘋狂酒鬼,我們從親友處獲贈許多酒,若不跟大家分享就太可惜了。)

iii). 我們歡迎任何人或公司將酒交付給我們評論,「酒鬼瘋‧網誌」將保留是否張貼的權利。若評論因任何原因無法發表於網誌,我們會將評論交寄給請託人;若評論最後在網誌上發表,我們也將清楚陳述來源,以免有任何偏頗的情事發生。「酒鬼瘋‧網誌」保留所有酒評的編輯控制權。

iv). 同樣的,除非在網誌中特別聲明,我們參加的任何商業型態品酒會以及酒評都是自費參加的。

v). 若您希望我們在網誌中張貼您的葡萄酒相關活動,在時間允許的情況之下我們會很樂意為您張貼。我們也歡迎您提供我們相關活動的記者證。

For us, wine is all about camaraderie, fun, friendship and romance – we are committed to a light and boozy lifestyle. We may well see the world through Chardonnay goggles, but that doesn't mean we don't take our wine reviews seriously.

The Dedicated Wino's guarantee to our readers:

i). We are not in anyway involved in wine retailing, wholesaling or importing and distribution. Beyond being dedicated wine purchasers and running this weblog, we have no connections to the wine industry.

ii). All wines that are reviewed have either been purchased by Venus or myself (Darren). Any wine that we receive as a gift – from friends or family, with no affiliation to the wine industry – may likewise be reviewed, but the source of the wine will be clearly stated in the review. (We receive many gifts of wine and it would be a shame not to share the joy with our readers).

iii). Any person or company wishing to have a bottle of their wine reviewed may submit a bottle to us. The editorial decision whether to include the review on the weblog wholly rests with us, The Dedicated Wino cannot guarantee that the review will be included on our weblog. However, if the review is not published on the website, we will return our private review to the supplier. If the wine is included in one of our online reviews, the source of the wine will be clearly stated, to keep our readers informed of any possible bias. Of course, editorial control of wine review content is entirely up to The Dedicated Wino.

iv). Likewise, any commercial wine tastings that we attend and review will have been paid for by ourselves, unless explicitly otherwise stated in the text.

v). If you would like us to cover your wine related event, we would be happy to accept, time constraints permitting. Press passes will be cheerfully accepted.

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-02-13
