台灣品酒資訊 / A Taiwanese Wine Tasting Resource
Merryvale Pino Noir Rosé 2002
種類:Pino Noir Rosé
價格及出處:NT 1,350/瓶 台灣金醇零售價
Country: USA
Region: Napa Valley, California
Winery: Merryvale
Vintage: 2002
Wine Style: Pinot Noir Rosé
Price and Point of Purchase: 1,350NT/Bottle at Formosa Imperial Wineseller
Date of Tasting: Mar. 15, 2008
美國政府廢除禁酒令之後,Merryvale 酒廠是納帕谷建立的第一座酒廠。酒廠位在St. Helena市中心的0.25英哩外。酒廠主人Jack W. Schlatter 跟兒子René所製作的具豐富複雜度的酒,將他們葡萄園的風土條件完全展現出來,為他們酒莊在國際上贏得了不少喝采。
Merryvale winery was the first winery built in Napa Vally after the US government repealed prohibition. The winery is located 0.25 miles outside of downtown St. Helena. Owner Jack W. Schlatter and son René have garnered some international acclaim for their complex wines that reflect the terroir of their vineyard.
Rosé can be made by either adding some red wine to white, or by leaving the grape juice in contact with the dark grape skin of the red grape during the first fermentation.
Darren 的品酒日記 / Darren's Tasting Notes-
Color: Orangey-red; the tawny color of a red ale. The color seems to indicate oxidation, perhaps this wine is over-the-hill.
氣味: 果實味道加上一股惱人的酵母味。有一點甜味,像是酒精杏仁糖的味道。
Nose: Fruity with an annoying yeasty quality. It has a sweet, alcoholy marzipan quality.
口感:風味結構相當不平衡的酒。酒精與酵素控制了整個味覺,把淡淡的果實味都給蓋下去了。我想這瓶酒的味道被酒裡的亞硫酸鹽(sulfite)破壞了!這是釀酒師加在葡萄酒裡頭當作清潔用的。 我寧可喝其他的酒!
Taste: Unbalanced. Alcohol and yeast dominate the palate and hide the wines subtle fruity flavors. I think perhaps this wine is tainted by sulfites, which are used by winemakers as a cleaning agent. I would rather be drinking something else.
評定等級:11 (不好)。
Rating: 11 (Poor).
我還是青少年的時候曾經跟一位好女孩約會,有一天我邀請他來我家吃晚飯。我突然想到,也許應該去買一瓶 “好酒” 來助興… 但是想當然爾,那時候根本沒什麼錢,也不知道是幸或不幸,後來老天還是找到了一瓶不到加幣2塊錢的Rosé (那時的匯率還不到1:19,所以一瓶不到40塊台幣)。當我轉開〝瓶蓋〞的時候 –在當時並不是一個好品質的象徵 – 所以即使那時我的味覺還沒被訓練,我就證明了那瓶酒完全無法下肚!
When I was a teenager, I had a date with a nice young woman whom I invited over for dinner. As almost an afterthought, I decided to buy a bottle of “fine” wine, but as was often the case I was financially embarrassed. Luckily?!? I managed to find a bottle of rosé for under $2CDN. When I unscrewed the cap – at that time most definitely not a sign of quality – the wine proved totally undrinkable, even to my untrained palate.
So, today I was really looking forward to trying a decent rosé. What a disappointment. There are good rosés, unfortunately this was not one.
Venus 的品酒日記 / Venus's Tasting Notes-
Color: A very light amber color. Unlike the other rosés we see, it is not pink at all.
氣味:不喜歡的味道又出現了。第一次聞到這個味道是上次那瓶拿來煮飯的George DuBoeuf白酒,第二次是今天的葡萄牙Port,今天又聞到的時候,第一時間就覺得不想喝。等了半小時之後,再聞一次酵母的味道少了一點,查了一下,原來是亞硫酸鹽(Sulfite) 的味道。有一點點、一點點、果香的味道,但聞不出是什麼果香。
Nose: The smell is back again! The first time I smelt it was when we drank the George DuBouef Chardonnay; the second time was from a Portuguese Port. Today this bottle again had that smell! I don't want to drink it. So I waited for about 30 minutes, smell again, the yeast smell had gone away a little. I checked a website, the smell is caused by sulfite, which comes from yeast. There’s also a very subtle hint of fruit, but I can't say what fruit.
Taste: It's all yeast. Really hard to drink! I am not happy. I spent 1,350 for this?!? I should have gone with the 500 dollar bottle of rosé.
Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-03-15
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