


北邊的角落住的是一位馬場乾草穀倉牛仔帽馬靴Cow girl






義大利葡萄酒品嚐會/Italian Wine Tasting

2008年3月29號這一天,我們參加了由Whisky and Wine主辦的義大利葡萄酒品嚐會。今天的酒包括了從Pinot Grigio到Barolo的9種不同酒款。因為考慮到今天的酒種比較多,我們決定要把我們的品酒誌做到最精簡。

Whiskey and Wine廣泛地選擇了義大利的酒款,也同時顧慮到了台灣人的口味,所以這些酒的單寧並不太重,也不太像一般我們在傳統義大利酒款中所期待的結構。另外,他們還選了一些台灣較熟悉的法國或美國的葡萄種類所混合的酒。大部分選的酒都是適合即飲的,當然還有一些是陳年之後會展現更佳風味的酒款。

On Mar. 29, 2008, we attended a tasting of Italian wines sponsored by Whisky and Wine, where we enjoyed sampling nine Italians ranging from Pinot Grigio to Barolo. Because of the quantity of wines tasted, we have elected to keep our notes on these wines exceptionally (for us) concise.

The selection chosen by Whisky and Wine gives a nice cross-section of Italian wines. However, the wines were chosen to be acceptable to Taiwanese tastes. Thus the wines are not very tannic or traditional in structure as might be expected of Italian wines. Also, a couple of the selections were chosen because they are mixes of more familiar grapes grown in France and America. Most the wines chosen are drinkable now, though a few selections would undoubtedly benefit from some bottle aging.

1)“Late Vintage” – Pinot Grigio – PODOC 14.5%, 2006 (white)

Darren: 沒有什麼特別突出的味道,帶點淡淡的鉛筆橡皮擦的味道。飽滿的酸味微微帶點香蕉的口感。夏天喝蘇打汽水的感覺。13 (一般)
A neutral nose, with a slight pencil eraser smell. Solid acidity with a slight banana taste. A summertime soda pop. 13 (Adequate)

Venus: 淡淡的色澤卻有個嗆鼻的香氣。複雜濃郁多層次的口感,卻少了點灰皮諾一般有的,清新的蔬菜味。
A light color with a prickly smell. A complex, heavy-body, and with different tiers of taste, yet lacks the vegetal taste of normal pinot grigio.

2) Barbera D'Alba DOC “Superiore” 2005

Darren: 烤焦吐司與果醬的香氣。一入口強烈的酸度迎面而來,伴隨著一點橡木與黑醋栗的口感。初夏的紅酒,像是義大利版的薄酒萊新酒。13.5 (還不錯)
A burnt toast and jam nose. A real hit of acidity up front with some oak and cassis flavors. A light summertime red – an Italian style Beaujolais-Nouveau. 13.5 (Fair)

Venus: 重重的單寧酸接著順口的橡木味。餘味平順簡單。喝完之後杯中的香氣絕佳,聞起來像是黑醋果醬。
Heavy tannin carries a smooth oaky taste. A simple and smooth wine. The empty glass smells like the black currant jam in my fridge.

3) Montecucco Sangiovese DOC 2006, 14.5%

Darren: 一抹淡淡的松露香味帶出富麗的香料與花草氣息。辛香料與壺焦味道的酒款。16 (好+)。我們隨後買了這款酒回家。
A rich herbal and floral nose with hints of truffles. A spicy and peppery wine. 16 (Good +). We purchased some of this very nice wine.

Venus: 酸度適中地把這款酒濃郁的香料口感都襯托了出來。黑胡椒、羅勒的香味讓人還想再嚐一口。適合即開即飲的酒,非常平民化卻不失格調的酒。
A moderate acidity brings with it a herbal taste. The smells of black pepper and basil tempt you to take another sip. It's a bottle for opening and drinking now. Very friendly, graceful and classy.

4) Brunello di Montalcino 2002

Darren: 聞起來是木頭與青草的氣息。帶有草本口感,相當飽實的酒體結構。15.5 (好+)
A woody and grassy nose. A solid structure with a herbaceous taste. 15.5 (Good +)

Venus: 紫羅蘭香皂的味道帶出青梅的口感,最後在口中轉變香香的甘草味。
A smell of violets with the taste of young plum upfront, followed by the flavor of licorice.

5) 2003 Vino Nobile di Monepulciano “Vecchia Cantina” DOCG Riserva

Darren: 大地的味道,乘滿了菸草與皮革的香味,深層還帶了一點紫羅蘭的香氣。相當複雜的一款酒。滑順的單寧酸與梅子口味結合,並帶著煙薰的餘韻。陳年之後,想必酒體內的花香特質會更為突出。15 (好)
An earthy nose, replete with tobacco and leather, and a hint of violet underneath. Complex. A smooth tannic structure with a plum flavor and a smoky finish. With age, some of the floral character should emerge. 15 (Good)

Venus: 紫羅蘭的香味配上青草的口感,適合搭配起士料理飲用。
Smells of violet with a green grass taste. Have with cheese.

6) ATEO Sant Antimo Rosso DOC 2004

Darren: 水果香氣 – 以香草及橡木為基礎的酒體結構,並以蘋果糖葫蘆覆蓋。口感是飽實煙薰橡木的結構,包含著水果與黑胡椒的味道。13.5 (還不錯)
A fruity nose – candied apples, underpinned by vanilla/oakiness. Tastes of fruit and pepper with a solid smoky oak structure. 13.5 (Fair)

Venus: 濃郁香料的口感。重重的單寧卻不嗆鼻,相當順口的混合酒。
Heavy herbal taste with strong tannins, but not acidic. A very smooth blend.

7) Fattoria La Castellina IGT Toscano “Reale” 2004

Darren: 飽實的甜菜根類植物的香味支配了整支酒的氣息,並帶有綠色蔬菜的口感。13 (一般)
A meaty, beet-root type plant smell predominates. Herbaceous green vegetables on the palatte. 13 (Adequate)

Venus: 些許的菸草味與根莖類蔬菜的味道,帶出淡淡的橡木味。一款充滿大地口感的梅洛酒,與一般法國的果實感梅洛,或甚至北美的大地口感梅洛不同。
Some smell of tobacco and root vegetables brings a hint of an oak taste. It’s an earthy merlot; different from the French fruity merlot, or even the N. American earthy merlots.

8) 2005 Chianti Classico DOCG “La Castellina” Vendemmia

Darren: 細緻的氣息,帶著一股莫名愉快的氨水(尿液)的味道。飽實的單寧酸結構,我卻無法進入這支酒的細緻口感。雖然這支酒比之前喝的酒款細緻,
A delicate nose, with an oddly pleasant ammonia (pee) smell. A solid tannic structure, but I cannot access the delicate flavors as my palate is burned-out, so I have not rated this wine as it wouldn't be fair.

Venus: 淡淡地清新香氣,單寧很重的一款酒。
Light, fresh smell. It is a very young and tannic bottle.

9) Barolo DOCG“Serralunga”2003

Darren: 大地氣息與黑醋栗的香氣。厚實酒體的果醬口感與厚重的單寧酸結構。需要在陳年4-8年。14 (還不錯)
An earthy and black currant nose. A full-bodied, jammy taste with solid tannic structure. Needs 4-8 years of aging. 14 (Fair)

Venus: 帶著果香的口香糖味道,喝下口卻有著些許爆竹的礦石味單寧。有著強烈的紅酒性格,需要陳放的酒。
A taste of fruit gum, but with fireworks, minerality and solid tannic structure. This bottle has a strong red wine character. Still needs some time to age.

Conclusion: Personally I love Italian wines, they have the romance and grace of the Old World. Some Italian terroirs are over 2,000 years old, while Italian winemaking techniques have been undergoing a real period of modernization and rationalization over the last 20 years. Many traditional Italian grapes, despite their long history and importance to oenology, are only grown in Italy. In short Italy has all of the history, terroir, diversity and winemaking technology of France, but the Italian wines are at a fraction the price of a comparable quality French wine. Drink Italian!

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-04-012


酒的蒐藏/Wine Collection

上個月帶加拿大建築師代表團去參觀32行館 -- 台灣的傑出木結構設計的時候,看到32行館的老闆驚人的收藏。
Last month I took a delegation of Canadian architects to visit Villa 32 - Taiwan's outstanding wood frame designed spa - I saw the owner's wine collection.

法國波爾多特級酒莊 Château Mouton-Rothschild。全都是資深的老酒。酒莊主人男爵Philippe de Rothscild 從1945開始的 "V For Victory" 酒標,每年他請不同的藝術家設計酒標。他曾經請過達利(1958)、畢卡索(1973)、培根(Francis Bacon, 1990)、古乾 (1996)等知名畫家設計酒標。最近最出名的是綿羊設計.
Premier grand cru Château Mouton-Rothschild from Bordeaux, France. All of them are old vintages. Baron Philippe de Rothscild, the château's owner, began in 1945 with the V For Victory label hiring a new artist each year to design the label. Previous labels have been designed by a long list of illustrious artists including Dali(1958), Picasso(1973), Francis Bacon(1990), and Gu Gan(1996)...Recently the most famous design is of a sheep.

Some different designs of different vintages不同年份的酒瓶設計

1945歐戰結束紀念瓶 The label to memorialize the end of the European War in 1945

另一款波爾多的特級酒莊Château LaTour。而且好多瓶!
Château LaTour, another premier grand cru in Bordeaux. And many of them!

Château Siran 屬於 "cru bourgeois exceptionnel", 是Margaux產區一支值得陳年的酒。在她隔壁有一支特級酒莊Château Margaux的酒,因為客戶都在等我,匆忙之中沒有照到。
Château Siran is a cru bourgeois exceptionnel, an age-worthy wine from Margaux. Next to the Château Siran is a premier grand cru, Château Margaux. I missed taking a picture of it because my clients were all waiting.

1971年份的Pétrus。Pomerol區100% merlot葡萄的first growth。我的媽啊!如果在這邊工作可以有機會等到嚐口這樣的酒,馬上把工作辭了到這邊來。
1971 Vintage Pétrus. Pétrus is the world's most expensive wine and uses 100% first growth merlot. OH MY GOD! If I could have a sip of this bottle I would quit my job to work here.

另一瓶更老的Pétrus!Another bottle of Pétrus, and even older!

家裡的酒 The collections in our own house

No space for our bottles, so they have to go on my shoes shelves...ARRRGH!!!


Chateau Haut-Brian 1996, the most bottle expensive in my collection -- 最高級的收藏! 謝謝郭先生!

酒醉片刻/ Drunken Moments

2007-08跨年,跟愛講帶來的高級香檳Louis Roederer。愛講說:兩個笨女孩把101擋住了。(由左自右:愛講、佳穎、Venus、Darren)
New Year's Eve 2007-8. Louis Roederer Champagne brought by Aichan. (From left to right: Aichan, Chiaying, Venus and Darren)

Aichan's New 2008 Hand Gesture

Also 2008!看出來了嗎?

Miki and Venus. Cold weather, warms hearts. 喝醉酒的兩個人。

Year-end party with Darren's friends Jim and Kevin, and Venus's high-school sweet-heart Chia-ying

像是電燈泡的Venus - 超醉三人行
Venus the light-bulb-the drunken-est 3-way

X'mas Kimuchi hot pot with plum wine that Claudia (to the far right) brought from Japan

Jenny, pregnant and pretending to drink. We are gonna put some alcohol in a spray-on perfume bottle for her, so at least she has the smell of alcohol through-out her pregnancy.


酒鬼成員/Your Team of Winos

酒鬼一號/Co-Wino – Venus Chen

Venus是一個活潑、愛玩、又帶有怪異幽默感的性感牡羊座。在不用出差的時候,喜歡跟酒鬼二號Darren膩在一起。Venus曾經也有過醉倒在酒吧桌下的瘋狂日子。但從那之後,Venus開始在她的飲酒生命中注入高尚精緻的元素。現在,Venus對生命的熱情已漸漸地跟上對葡萄熱情的腳步了。雖然是個品酒新鮮人,Venus接觸葡萄酒的經驗可是很廣泛的,其中還包含了不少世界知名的酒廠 (當然,這也是因為這位小姐還真喝了不少酒)。我相信各位能夠享受她迷人的品酒誌。

Venus is a fun-loving, outgoing and sexy Aries with a wicked sense of humor, who when not jetting around the world on trade missions can be found snuggled in the arms of Darren, your Dedicated Wino #2. At one time Venus could be found under the table of almost any bar in Taipei – but, since those days, she has begun to introduce refinement and style into her drinking habits. Now, her passion for life is almost equaled by her love of the grape. Though relatively new to formal wine tasting, Venus does have a wide-ranging experience with wine and some of the world’s best producers. (This lady has gone through a lot of wine in her life). I'm sure you will enjoy her always charming tasting notes.

酒鬼二號/Co-Wino – Darren Haughn


Darren is a regal Leo, who standing 194cm. is a truly huge wine container. He's originally from Canada, where he last worked as a newspaper editor and copy writer, but the lure of Asian babes and Chinese food was too much for him. And, 13 years ago Darren made the decision to move permanently to Taiwan, after a brief stint here studying Taoism and dong-gi. After all these years of fruitless (if enjoyable searching) he has finally found THE Asian Babe. When not trying to beat English into the heads of recalcitrant Taiwanese university students, Darren enjoys spending quiet times over a glass of wine with Venus discussing its particular merits. Though relatively new to formal wine tasting, Darren has collected cigar tasting notes for 15+ years and single malt whisky notes for a shorter time, thus his tasting notes do tend to be a bit more formal, as he is familiar with “tasting” vocabulary.

酒鬼誌合夥人/Associate Wino – Miki Tarui


Miki is a romantic Pisces and a professional wine taster. She holds the title of Sommelier. Yet, not satisfied, she is currently pursuing the title of Senior Sommelier. She is a good friend to us Dedicated Winos and has often helped us navigate some particularly obtuse wine catalogues and menus. When she's not working as a flight attendant, she’s on the ground: When she's on the ground, she's drinking. Not only does she have great gastronomic taste, but her sense of art and beauty is likewise impeccable. She is fun-loving and spontaneous -- like the wicked Aries wino Venus. Yet she is caring, sensitive, while maintaining her contrarian nature -- like a Pisces.

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-04-05


Le Petite Mouton De Mouton Rothschild 2004

法定產區:Pauillac AOC
釀酒廠:Le Petite Mouton De Mouton Rothschild (Chateau Mouton Rothschild 的二級酒).
種類:紅酒 (60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot)
價格及出處:324NT/30ml (4,500NT/瓶)

Country: France
Region: Bordeaux
Appellation: Pauillac AOC

Winery: Le Petite Mouton De Mouton Rothschild (2nd wine of Chateau Mouton Rothschild).
Vintage: 2004
Wine Style: Red (60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot)
Price and Point of Purchase: 324NT/30ml tasting at Whisky and Wine (4,500NT/Bottle)
Date of Tasting: Mar. 15, 2008

Mouton Rothschild 是1855年之後,在波爾多地區唯一被重新分級的酒莊。因為不高興他的表親 -- Château Lafitte-Rothschild -- 獲頒為特級酒莊,自己卻只是二級酒莊,酒堡的菲力普男爵 (Baron Phillipe de Rothschild) 努力不懈地試圖要讓Mouton重新列級。經過了與法國政府的50年的交戰,Mouton Rothschild終於在1973年列級為特級酒莊之ㄧ。男爵終究是在有生之年親眼目睹了他成功地改變了家徽。在1973年之前,家徽是這麼寫的:「既不能成為第一,更不願屈居第二;我是Mouton。」現在,Château Mouton Rothschild的格言是這麼寫的:「曾經屈居第二,現在終成第一,我是Mouton,始終如一。」怎樣,挺酷的吧?


Mouton Rothschild is the only bordeaux to have been reclassified after 1855. Annoyed that his cousin's wine, Château Lafitte-Rothschild, received premier cru recognition, while Mouton Rothschild was relegated to the top level of the 2ème cru, Baron Phillipe de Rothschild tirelessly promoted the status of Mouton. After a 50 year battle with the French government Mouton Rothschild was finally promoted to premier cru status in 1973. The Baron lived to see the revision and celebrated by changing his family crest. Before 1973 it had read: “First, I cannot be; second, I do not deign to be; Mouton, I am.” Now the motto of Château Mouton Rothschild is: “First, I am; second, I was; Mouton does not change.” Pretty interesting stuff, huh?

Second wines are where châteaux place grapes that did not meet the very stringent quality qualifications for their premier wines. The second wines for premier cru classé châteaux represent great quality at a fraction of the price of their more famous siblings.

Darren 的品酒日記 / Darren's Tasting Notes-

Color: An opulent blood red with slow rich tears that hold a bit of redness in them.

氣味: 令人陶醉的氣味,展現的複雜的香料香氣,散發出一股肉桂、香菜仔與大茴香的香味旋繞不去。我喜歡這杯酒的氣味!
Nose: A very entrancing nose, displaying a complex range of herbal aromas, with a lingering sweetness evocative of cinnamon, caraway seeds and anise. I love the smell of this wine!

口感: 年輕且性急。這杯酒還在她青澀與單寧的青春期,但是性格結構已經顯現出來了。她的口味因為極佳的香味讓飲者的期望值飆的太高,導致口味的性格在比較之下顯的不如預期。但是如果在讓她躺個5到8年,我相信這瓶酒應該會發展成型,並把優點完全散發出來。我期待她的豐滿口感以及口感所激發出來的香料性格。
Taste: Young and brash, this wine is in the midst of its tight and tannic adolescence, but shows good structure. The taste suffered in comparison with the expectations raised by the beautiful nose, but after being laid down for 5-8 years the wine should open up and live up to its potential. I expect a solid meaty red with a lot of intriguing herbal characteristics.

評定等級:15.5 ()。
Rating: 15.5 (Good +).

Venus 的品酒日記 / Venus's Tasting Notes-

Color: The gradation of color in the wine is very clear and pretty. The edge of the wine is a color close to cherry juice, and when looking through the deeper part of the glass, the color resembles black cherries. Here I’ll be unprofessional:Looking at the wine I associated the color to a steak Darren fried. The color is like blood leaking from a tenderloin. The tears circling the glass are very thick, very slow, and leave red ink wherever they go. I’ve never seen this kind of wine. I am very excited.

Nose: Hum. It is indeed good. The smell is very beautiful and complex, yet it's not prickling. There is a herbal smell – something like citronella. It is such a nice smell. It gives me the image of a gorgeous beauty all made up for a party, while never degenerating into gaudiness. Her perfume is fresh and distinctive. The smell not only adds points to her style but also leaves an impression on all who smell her – just like this wine.

口感:我覺得我期待太高了,還太年輕了。應該再等幾年,單寧酸還是太重,蓋過她應該有的味道。喝到嘴裡的finish倒是不錯,橡木的味道特濃,我可以想像她在過幾年之後的韻味。Darren曾說,希望早點認識我,我說早幾年我還太菜、太嫩,不好 — 我想這是一樣的道理。
Taste: Maybe my expectations were too high. The tannins are too strong and overpower the taste. The wine is too young and needs a bit of age. The finish is good though, with a very strong oakiness. I can really picture the beautiful flavor of this wine in a few years. Darren once told me that he wishes that he had met me earlier, and I told him that a few years ago I was still too young and too immature -- I think the same applies to wine too.

(或是含太小口了!30ml?!酒鬼要喝大口一點才能真的嚐味道!專業品酒師只需要一小口的酒來判定其好壞,但是真正的酒鬼必需喝到一整瓶! 當你看到一個絕世美女,你會幻想牽牽她、親親她、抱抱她,如果只是禮貌性的像打招呼那樣的親親臉頰,你可能會沒什麼感覺,或是想要更多。(Or perhaps 30ml is just too small a sip! A dedicated wino needs to drink more to really taste the essence of the wine! True a professional wine-taster merely needs the smallest of sips to do a complete profile, but we require the entire bottle. It's like when you see a real beauty you want to touch, kiss, and hug. But, if you get just a kiss on the cheek, it will not excite you, and leaves you wanting more!)

Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-04-02