酒鬼一號/Co-Wino – Venus Chen
Venus是一個活潑、愛玩、又帶有怪異幽默感的性感牡羊座。在不用出差的時候,喜歡跟酒鬼二號Darren膩在一起。Venus曾經也有過醉倒在酒吧桌下的瘋狂日子。但從那之後,Venus開始在她的飲酒生命中注入高尚精緻的元素。現在,Venus對生命的熱情已漸漸地跟上對葡萄熱情的腳步了。雖然是個品酒新鮮人,Venus接觸葡萄酒的經驗可是很廣泛的,其中還包含了不少世界知名的酒廠 (當然,這也是因為這位小姐還真喝了不少酒)。我相信各位能夠享受她迷人的品酒誌。
Venus is a fun-loving, outgoing and sexy Aries with a wicked sense of humor, who when not jetting around the world on trade missions can be found snuggled in the arms of Darren, your Dedicated Wino #2. At one time Venus could be found under the table of almost any bar in Taipei – but, since those days, she has begun to introduce refinement and style into her drinking habits. Now, her passion for life is almost equaled by her love of the grape. Though relatively new to formal wine tasting, Venus does have a wide-ranging experience with wine and some of the world’s best producers. (This lady has gone through a lot of wine in her life). I'm sure you will enjoy her always charming tasting notes.
酒鬼二號/Co-Wino – Darren Haughn
Darren is a regal Leo, who standing 194cm. is a truly huge wine container. He's originally from Canada, where he last worked as a newspaper editor and copy writer, but the lure of Asian babes and Chinese food was too much for him. And, 13 years ago Darren made the decision to move permanently to Taiwan, after a brief stint here studying Taoism and dong-gi. After all these years of fruitless (if enjoyable searching) he has finally found THE Asian Babe. When not trying to beat English into the heads of recalcitrant Taiwanese university students, Darren enjoys spending quiet times over a glass of wine with Venus discussing its particular merits. Though relatively new to formal wine tasting, Darren has collected cigar tasting notes for 15+ years and single malt whisky notes for a shorter time, thus his tasting notes do tend to be a bit more formal, as he is familiar with “tasting” vocabulary.
酒鬼誌合夥人/Associate Wino – Miki Tarui
Miki is a romantic Pisces and a professional wine taster. She holds the title of Sommelier. Yet, not satisfied, she is currently pursuing the title of Senior Sommelier. She is a good friend to us Dedicated Winos and has often helped us navigate some particularly obtuse wine catalogues and menus. When she's not working as a flight attendant, she’s on the ground: When she's on the ground, she's drinking. Not only does she have great gastronomic taste, but her sense of art and beauty is likewise impeccable. She is fun-loving and spontaneous -- like the wicked Aries wino Venus. Yet she is caring, sensitive, while maintaining her contrarian nature -- like a Pisces.
Darren Haughn & Venus Chen (c) 2008-04-05
台灣品酒資訊 / A Taiwanese Wine Tasting Resource
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4 則留言:
How's that Haut Brion? Is that an 88?
'96...Still letting it sit.