賀達仁,一個從加拿大自我放逐台灣, 已經42歲卻有著驚人般幼稚行為的業餘老酒鬼;維納斯,一個台灣的本土姑娘卻因為工作的關係常跑加拿大,35歲卻還愛作夢、不切實際的夢幻小酒女。兩人同樣享受人生、美食、美酒、朋友的陪伴,與酒後的胡言亂語。在這種因緣際會之下決定將生活的經驗與大家分享。....... Darren Haughn, a Canadian ex-pat living in Taiwan, long-time drinker, neophyte reviewer, 42 years old but shockingly immature.
Venus Chen, a Taiwanese marketing representative who travels a lot to Canada, a veteran lush but new to connoisseurship - 35 years old but still an unrealistic dreamer.
We both enjoy spending time together with close friends, or just each other, enjoying nice wine, good food, and stimulating conversation. We thought it would be nice to share our experiences with you.